Stay in your own lane

Flor Taboada Emotional healing, Healing, Lovingkindness, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem

Stay in your own lane. You have heard me saying before that the relationship we have with ourselves shapes every single area of our lives, from relationships to work, even health. If that relationship is healthy, you are able to accept yourself as you are, imperfections (if such things exist other than in our minds) and all. One of the …

Pure gold and goodness

Flor Taboada Emotional healing, Healing, Lovingkindness, Self-care, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem

Self loving-kindness The greatest gift you can give to yourself and others and yet the greatest challenge. If self-deprecating thoughts are your norm. If you are feeling not quite capable, lovable, enough, deserving of love and good things coming your way. If comparison with others or approval from others, him in particular, was or is the way you measure you value …

Your emotional inner-core strength

Flor Taboada Boundaries, Emotional healing, Lovingkindness, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem

What we tolerate is the way we are teaching others how they can treat us. For some of us, especially women, it can be really hard to assert ourselves. Especially if we are “people pleasers” or “conflict or confrontation avoiders” or both. If our self-esteem and sense of worth is shaky, asserting ourselves is basically an impossible task. Because assertiveness, …

Complete, just as you are

Flor Taboada Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-care, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem

Just a little reminder… You are a whole person in yourself. You don’t need anyone to complete you (look at the millions of happy singles in the world). The people in our lives, including partners, husbands, children, boyfriends, friends, family, add tremendous value, meaning, richness, love, happiness to our lives but I’d highly recommend not to make them the centre …

On boundaries

Flor Taboada Boundaries, Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Self-care, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem

The boundaries you set for yourself are as important as the ones you set for him or others. And this is particularly important while you are healing from a breakup or a divorce. If boundaries are all about showing people how to treat you with respect. Are you treating yourself with that same respect? Things like: Being firm yet gentle …

Give yourself time

Flor Taboada Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem, Support

Breakup. Divorce. Separation. Whether you have already left or have been left, recently or time ago. Whether you are in the final stages of a divorce after challenging years. Or want to leave behind a relationship that is no longer working, and perhaps hasn’t worked for a long time, and are in the process of building up the strength, confidence …

That space of lonely heartbreak

Flor Taboada Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Self-care, Self-esteem, Support

The weekend again. If you are in that space of lonely heartbreak, exacerbated  by months of pandemic, it may not make any difference to you. At this point, you have by yourself reached the conclusion that you will never be happy again or find love again.  Getting through this breakup or divorce  and moving on it is a conscious decision, a …

Let’s talk self-love and heartbreak and why this is now more important than ever

Flor Taboada blog, Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-care, Self-esteem, Support

So let’s talk self-love and why this is important during heartbreak. It is important because during this time you are probably being very hard on yourself, disliking yourself.  So being kind with yourself during this challenging time is more important than ever.  When we have a good and healthy relationship with ourselves we become a much happier person and this …