Give yourself time

Flor Taboada Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem, Support

Breakup. Divorce. Separation. Whether you have already left or have been left, recently or time ago. Whether you are in the final stages of a divorce after challenging years. Or want to leave behind a relationship that is no longer working, and perhaps hasn’t worked for a long time, and are in the process of building up the strength, confidence …

That space of lonely heartbreak

Flor Taboada Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Self-care, Self-esteem, Support

The weekend again. If you are in that space of lonely heartbreak, exacerbated  by months of pandemic, it may not make any difference to you. At this point, you have by yourself reached the conclusion that you will never be happy again or find love again.  Getting through this breakup or divorce  and moving on it is a conscious decision, a …

Let’s talk self-love and heartbreak and why this is now more important than ever

Flor Taboada blog, Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-care, Self-esteem, Support

So let’s talk self-love and why this is important during heartbreak. It is important because during this time you are probably being very hard on yourself, disliking yourself.  So being kind with yourself during this challenging time is more important than ever.  When we have a good and healthy relationship with ourselves we become a much happier person and this …

When asking for help is an act of courage

Flor Taboada Breakup, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-care, Self-empowerment, Support

Is reaching out for support to help you get through this painful divorce or breakup difficult for you? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I was the same. Many women of the women who reach up to me are the same. Asking for support was a huge and courageous step to take. A step some of them have taken for the first …

Addicted to him? Your body says so

Flor Taboada blog, Breakup, Divorce, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Relationships, Self-care, Self-esteem

You miss him and it really hurts. You are totally overwhelmed with feelings of sadness, grief, confusion, anger at times and even suicidal despair, to name a few.  The emotional challenges that a breakup or a divorce bring are countless.  And the pain is real.  So real that it can be seen on brain scans.  Seriously.  Brain studies done on …

In the aftermath of a breakup, be there for yourself

Flor Taboada blog, Emotional healing, Healing, Heartbreak, Lovingkindness, Self-care, Support

Don’t waste your time trying to change others Or fighting with the reality of your life. You cannot change others but you can change the way you relate with yourself. Today, right now, in this very moment, you can choose acceptance over denial You can choose loving-kindness over hard judgement. You can choose to acknowledge even if just one thing …