Permission to pause

Flor Taboada Emotional healing, Lifestyle, MEDITATION, PAUSING

Most of us have very busy lives. In our society, doing and achieving seem to be what life is about, what matters and what give us a sense of identity, satisfaction, and meaning. So, it is not surprising that as individuals, most of us feel lost and bored when we are not doing. We spent a big part of our …

Healing Touch: Taking Relaxation to the next level

Flor Taboada blog, Healing, Healing Touch, Heartbreak, Lifestyle, Self-care, Stress

  If you have been following me, you have probably heard me saying that healing happens in the relaxation response. And if you have had Healing Touch before, you already know how relaxing a session can be. But this is the thing. There is something that sets Healing Touch apart from simple relaxation. Healing Touch goes one step further, or …

Feet on the ground-Clematis Flower Essence

Flor Taboada blog, Children, Emotional healing, Flower Essences, Healing, Lifestyle, School, Self-care, Stress

Today I visited a friend in Jersey City and look what I found growing in her garden! The lovely dreamy and sweet scented Clematis Vitalba. The essence made from its flowers helps us keep our  feet on the ground and develop an interest for the here and now. Head in the clouds? Love daydreaming, napping and sleeping? Are you someone with great imagination …

… and the livin’ is easy

Flor Taboada blog, Healing, Lifestyle, Self-care, Stress

I love summer. Long hot days give me a sense of freedom, relaxation and expanded possibilities. No matter if you are planning a trip home to see family and friends, going on a “solo vacation”, checking out a new destination or staying local, here are a few ideas to make the most of summer easy living and the free time …

Self-care is essential

Flor Taboada blog, Flower Essences, Healing Touch, Lifestyle, Self-care, Stress

Self-care is what we do in order to take care of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health:  all those things, sometimes big (going on a nice vacation or a retreat), sometimes small (taking some full deep conscious breaths or going for a walk in the park). Self-care helps us feel more connected, happier and present in our lives. Self-care …