A forgiveness bouquet to welcome Spring

Flor Taboada blog, Flower Essences, Healing, Nature, Self-care

Happy Spring Equinox! My favourite time of the year starts NOW! Things can only get better. Sunshine, light and warmth. And flowers galore. Speaking of which… I rescued some flowers on Saturday. There were some beautiful daffodils in my garden and the mini beast from the east was coming. Honestly. I’m not joking. That was the name of the snow storm we just had …

Borage Flower Essence

Flor Taboada blog, Emotional healing, Flower Essences, Healing, Heartbreak

Borago officinalis. Another beautiful flower essence for the heart “The Borage takes us into positive weight and depth with her beautiful downward pointing azure star. This plant is so foundational for states of emotional heaviness and depression, helping us to honor and integrate deeper feelings of grief, loss or depression.  It is truly one of the plants that helps us …

Feet on the ground-Clematis Flower Essence

Flor Taboada blog, Children, Emotional healing, Flower Essences, Healing, Lifestyle, School, Self-care, Stress

Today I visited a friend in Jersey City and look what I found growing in her garden! The lovely dreamy and sweet scented Clematis Vitalba. The essence made from its flowers helps us keep our  feet on the ground and develop an interest for the here and now. Head in the clouds? Love daydreaming, napping and sleeping? Are you someone with great imagination …

Sweet Chestnut Flower Essence: Be the Phoenix rising from your own ashes

Flor Taboada blog, Flower Essences

“WHAT WE CALL SUFFERING BUDDHA CALLED THE PATH” PEMA CHÖDRON Sweet Chestnut holds a very important place among the 38 Bach Essences because its healing properties are about bringing relief and inner strength in times of great distress and suffering. The loss of a loved one; A chronic illness; Extreme anguish and despair; Feeling our endurance is been tested to its limits; …