Pen to paper or the benefits of daily journaling

Flor Taboada blog, Healing, Self-care, Stress

I find daily writing a very powerful, simple and accessible therapeutic tool and a great self-care exercise, within everyone’s reach. And the research confirms the benefits of it. Research supports the idea that writing about stressful events helps you come to terms with them, thus reducing the impact of these stressors on your physical and emotional health. Here is how …

You are a Hero!

Flor Taboada blog, Healing, Self-care

I have been reflecting a bit on my own life lately and have come to a conclusion that I´d love to share with you. It is not rocket science but I think it is worth mentioning or, at least, reminding. Here it is: We all have a story to tell and that story is often more fascinating than what we give ourselves credit for. When seeing …

Sweet Chestnut Flower Essence: Be the Phoenix rising from your own ashes

Flor Taboada blog, Flower Essences

“WHAT WE CALL SUFFERING BUDDHA CALLED THE PATH” PEMA CHÖDRON Sweet Chestnut holds a very important place among the 38 Bach Essences because its healing properties are about bringing relief and inner strength in times of great distress and suffering. The loss of a loved one; A chronic illness; Extreme anguish and despair; Feeling our endurance is been tested to its limits; …

Today is an special day: here’s the Fall!

Flor Taboada Self-esteem

It’s official. Here in NYC we reached the Autumnal Equinox today 10:21 AM EDT. It doesn’t really feel like Fall out there. But it is. As I write this, the temperature outside is 78 F/26C. We’ll reach 88F/31C tomorrow. To be honest, it suits me. As the summer person I am, I’ll be hanging on to the summer as much …

On Tears

Flor Taboada blog, Healing, Healing Touch

“THERE IS A SACREDNESS IN TEARS. THEY ARE NOT THE MARK OF WEAKNESS, BUT OF POWER. THEY SPEAK MORE ELOQUENTLY THAN TEN THOUSAND TONGUES. THEY ARE THE MESSENGER OF OVERWHELMING GRIEF, OF DEEP CONTRITION, AND OF UNSPEAKABLE LOVE. ” WASHINGTON IRVING At the end of our session, a new client cries for the first time since her cancer diagnosis 2 years earlier. She hadn’t allowed herself to do so before …

Mind Clearing anyone?

Flor Taboada Healing, Healing Touch, Self-esteem, Stress

“I can think again” said one client after a HT session that included the Mind Clearing technique. Mind Clearing is one of the most popular Healing Touch techniques. I use it a lot in my practice. It is specifically designed to quiet and relax the mind, promoting inner peacefulness, focus and clarity. It can be a very helpful technique for work and …

On loving-kindness

Flor Taboada blog, Healing

“THROUGH LOVING-KINDNESS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING CAN FLOWER AGAIN FROM WITHIN” Sharon Salzberg I’ve lived most of my life comparing myself to others and, most of the time, to my own disadvantage. I’m finally learning to stop this unhealthy practice and starting to really appreciate myself. But not in a narcissistic or egotistic way. There are things I like about myself …

4 ways to revitalize yourself this summer

Flor Taboada blog, Nature, Self-care

“We need the tonic of wildness.”  D. H. Thoreau   Summer is my favorite season, always filling me with a sense of freedom, happiness and vitality. And, knowing what NY winters are like, I’m trying to make the most of it. We are very lucky that the City has to offer so many great outdoor activities and events during the …