This is what I’ve found… Feeling not deserving Settling for less… relationships, jobs, things, and lives. External validation. FEAR What they want may not come to them. FEAR Of making the wrong decision. Anxious Low STUCK Inadequate Afraid to speak up Stand up for themselves Ask for what they need Go for what they want. Are common themes among the women I work with. And I can really relate. For many years that was me. But there was a TURNING POINT There is always a turning point. An opening. A choice. A blessing in disguise. Mine came unexpectedly with the end of a relationship I cared for like no other. Rock bottom. Lost. Devastated. Face to face with the person I had been trying to avoid. ME Turning point. Tired of repeating mistakes and trying to be who I wasn’t. People pleasing. Always accommodating With very little self-awareness and 0 clues of how to take care of myself. But excellent at taking care of others and telling them what to do which was my favourite way of avoiding looking at my life and my problems. Turning point. Pause. Change of direction. Inwards 🌀 (at last!) Finding myself Healing Growing BECOMING 🪷More assertive. 🪷Confident. 🪷Courageous 🪷Independent. 🪷Going self-employed to follow my dream. 🪷Taking action 🪷Making mistakes. 🪷Getting up. 🪷Trying again. 🪷Reaching out for support (at last!) 🪷Caring less about what others think 🪷Boundaries 🪷Loving kindness BECOMING ME FREER HAPPIER CALMER KINDER This is the fascinating path of loving-kind transformation I have walked and will keep walking for the rest of my life. Curious to know if this sparked something for you. With love, Flor xoxo |