A forgiveness bouquet to welcome Spring

Flor Taboada blog, Flower Essences, Healing, Nature, Self-care

Happy Spring Equinox! My favourite time of the year starts NOW!
Things can only get better. Sunshine, light and warmth. And flowers galore.

Speaking of which…
I rescued some flowers on Saturday. There were some beautiful daffodils in my garden and the mini beast from the east was coming.
I’m not joking.
That was the name of the snow storm we just had here in the UK. It was, as the name says, a mini version of the Beast from the East we had couple of weeks ago, which was huge.
They usually give storms, hurricanes and the like human names. This one sounded more like a Walt Disney story, lol.
Anyhow, I rescued those daffodils from the cold and the snow, and brought them in.
The day before, I had come across this beautiful quote:

“Take a walk through the garden of forgiveness and pick a flower of forgiveness for everything you have ever done. When you get to that time that is now, make a full and total forgiveness of your entire life and smile at the bouquet in your hands because it truly is beautiful”. Stephen Richards

So I decided it was a great opportunity to put it into practice.
I made a self-forgiveness bouquet.
Here it is.

Forgiveness is a tough emotion to deal with, isn’t it?
But which one is tougher, forgiving others or forgiving ourselves?
What do you think?
I actually think the latter is harder.
Because unfortunately we are specialists at being super hard on ourselves.

But there’s one thing I know.

That in order to heal we need to forgive ourselves and come to terms with our past.
Because at the end of the day, the past cannot be undone so we better acknowledge it and let it go.
We did the best we could considering the tools and knowledge we had at the time.

So in this first day of the spring, I invite you to go to the fields, if you are lucky to have some nearby where you are allowed to pick up flowers, or your garden, if you have one, or to your local florist and pick the most beautiful  flowers you can get.
And make your bouquet.

Happy Flower Season.
I can’t wait to see you blossoming!
With love, forgiveness and flowers.

Flor xoxo