Dr Bach classified its 38 essences in 7 emotional groups

Positive qualities
: Courage to meet the unknown, grounded intuition and sensitivity
Pattern of imbalance: Unknown, unreasoning fears, vague anxiety and apprehension, dread, easily frightened
Positive qualities: Courage and confidence
Pattern of imbalance: Fearful (fears that can be identified), overcautious, shy, nervous
Rock Rose
Positive qualities: Able to maintain calmness in emergency situations
Pattern of imbalance: Terror, panic, paralyzing fear, nightmares
Cherry Plum
Positive qualities: Serenity, emotional balance and mental strength despite extreme stress or adversity
Pattern of imbalance: Fear of losing control, desperate or destructive impulses; acute tension and rigidity
Red Chestnut
Positive qualities: Inner serenity and calm, trust
Pattern of imbalance: Worry and fear for the well-being of loved ones, imagining the worst

Positive qualities: Trusting own inner knowing and intuition. Certainty and self-confidence
Pattern of imbalance: For distrust of self, always asking for advice, lacking confidence in owns decisions
Positive qualities: Decisiveness, balance and unambiguity, integration of opposites
Pattern of imbalance: Indecision, inability to decide between alternatives, usually 2, hesitation, confusion
Positive qualities: Ability to accept setbacks and try again, perseverance, optimism
Pattern of imbalance: Easily discouraged, despondent, skeptical, pessimistic
Positive qualities: Renewed faith, “the light at the end of the tunnel”, hope
Pattern of imbalance: Hopelessness, despair, defeatism. More on Gorse
Positive qualities: Renewed interest and energy, vitality, joy
Pattern of imbalance: Mental tiredness, loss of interest, weariness, “Monday morning” feeling
Wild Oat
Positive qualities: Finding life’s purpose, vocational path, focus, centering,commitment
Pattern of imbalance: Dissatisfaction, lack of direction,  unable to commit or put down roots. More on Wild Oat

Positive qualities: Focus, able to bring projects and dreams to fruition, alertness
Pattern of imbalance: Day dreaming, absent minded, lack of concentration due to lack of interest
Positive qualities: Letting go of the past, welcoming change, acceptance of present circumstances, hope, learning from the past while releasing it, loss of a loved one.
Pattern of imbalance: Emotional attachment to the past, nostalgia, moving country,  resistance to change, seeing past events or relationships better than they were.
Wild Rose
Positive qualities: Vitality, zest for life, enthusiasm
Pattern of imbalance: Apathy, resignation, lack of interest and ambition
Positive qualities: Strength and regeneration
Pattern of imbalance: Exhaustion after great efforts or suffering, long- term stress
White Chestnut
Positive qualities: Mental clarity, calm and peace, letting go of unresolved issues
Pattern of imbalance: Inner mental dialogue, mental congestion and tension, worry
Positive qualities: Inner serenity, stability, cheerfulness
Pattern of imbalance: Depression for unknown reason, deep gloom and melancholy
Chestnut Bud
Positive qualities: Perceiving the lessons of life, mindfulness, assimilation of ideas
Pattern of imbalance: Unable to learn from mistakes

Water Violet
Positive qualities: Humbleness, openness, warmth in relationships
Pattern of imbalance: Reserved, proud withdrawal, self-reliance, emotionally distant, superiority
Positive qualities: Patience, delicacy, empathy with others, accepting that life events and change have their own timing, sometimes beyond our control.
Pattern of imbalance: Impatience, irritation, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, restlessness, mental tension, likes to work alone because of intolerance of other’s pace
Positive qualities: Caring for others, listening, inner tranquility
Pattern of imbalance: Talkative and self-centered, obsessed with own troubles, may drain other’s energy, craves company

Positive qualities: Inner peace, genuine inner joy, openness
Pattern of imbalance: Anxiety and worry hidden behind a mask of happiness, humor and enthusiasm
Positive qualities: Autonomy, individuality and assertiveness. Unobtrusive service to others
Pattern of imbalance: Unable to say “no”, anxious to serve, poor will, excessive need for approval
Positive qualities: Determination in achieving own goals despite external influences. Navigating through major life changes with ease and grace
Pattern of imbalance: Vulnerable to external influences during important transitions and major life changes. More on Walnut
Positive qualities: All-encompassing love, self-acceptance, finding joy in the happiness and success of others.
Pattern of imbalance: Feelings of jealousy, hatred, anger or revenge. Competitiveness

Positive qualities: Self-confidence, perseverance despite setbacks, courage to take risks and try despite fear of failure
Pattern of imbalance: Loss of confidence, fear of failure, inferiority complex, compares self to others
Positive qualities: Ability to forgive oneself, self-worth, balanced sense of responsibility
Pattern of imbalance: Self-Blame, self-reproach, blames self even for mistakes of others, despondency, never good enough
Positive qualities: Self- assurance, inner strength, ability to delegate
Pattern of imbalance: Temporary feelings of being unable to cope, overwhelmed by responsibility, stress. More on Elm 
Sweet Chestnut
Positive qualities: Inner strength, trust, transformation, rebirth, rising like a Phoenix from the ashes
Pattern of imbalance: Utter desolation and despondency. The dark night of the soul. More on Sweet Chestnut
Star of Bethlehem
Positive qualities: Relief from shock, joy, soothes “heart-ache”, brings peace and consolation
Pattern of imbalance: Needing comfort from shock, trauma, grief, loss of a loved one
Positive qualities: Positive thinking, forgiveness, taking responsibility, faith, calm, optimism
Pattern of imbalance: Resentment, unspoken anger, self-pity, negativity, bitterness, “poor me attitude”
Positive qualities: Endurance, moderation in involvements, clear balanced boundaries between work and leisure/rest
Pattern of imbalance: Excessive sense of duty, work- alcoholic attitude, over achiever, stress, burnt out
Crab Apple
Positive qualities: Purification and self-love, seeing things in the right perspective
Pattern of imbalance: Feeling unclean and inadequate, either mentally or physically, annoyed by little unimportant things, lack of perspective

Positive qualities: Unconditional love and care for others, letting go
Pattern of imbalance: Possessive and demanding, false generosity, emotional “blackmail”
Positive qualities: Self-restrain, relaxation, equanimity
Pattern of imbalance: Over-enthusiastic,  stressed, tries to convince others, fanatic, “hyper”
Positive qualities: Consideration of others, empathy, compassionate leadership coming from the acknowledgement of own weaknesses 
Pattern of imbalance: Domineering, inflexible, striving for power
Positive qualities: Tolerance, understanding, appreciation of differences, great sensitivity and capacity to perceive beauty and harmony. Seeing the good within each person and situation
Pattern of imbalance: Perfectionist expectations of others. Intolerant and critical of others due to high standards of perfection (often the person grew up in an environment of criticism and harsh expectations that left him/her feeling vulnerable and insecure). Over-sensitivity to one’s social or physical environment, feeling easily irritated and annoyed by little things (the sound of someone’s voice, the sound of chewing…)  
Rock Water
Positive qualities: Gentleness, flexibility and spontaneity
Pattern of imbalance: The strict idealist, self-denial, rigidity and self-repression, perfectionist

Rescue Remedy/Five Flower Formula
A combination of 5 essences (Chery Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem). It is used as an emergency essence for shock, trauma, accidents, feeling unwell, or as a punctual remedy to use in those situations that produce stress, tension or fear (an exam, a visit to the dentist, flying, going on stage, a work interview). This combination is not meant to be used over long periods of time.